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Microsoft Word Margin Issue

  • 30-09-2021 9:28pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,142 ✭✭✭

    Can anyone tell me how to decrease the Top Margin on a Word Doc to the absolute least, and same on the Bottom Margin.

    I can do whatever I want with the Side Margins and like drag a Table nearer the Edge or a bit in off the Page, by either dragging the Table-Border or using the Page Rulers and that does exactly what I want it to do.

    But it doesn't work for the Top and Bottoms Margins. I've tried a million different numbers from whole numbers to going into minus numbers in the Margin Measurements, but nothing changes.

    If I change Margin by number, - the lil Thumbnail of Page with lines going across it, does increase/decrease its' edge alright when I go up and down the numbers, - but it doesn't actually decrease the Margin on the physical Page at all so it doesn't.

    Preview is absolutely useless, it doesn't preview what prints at all, it's stupid and pointless and ridiculous.

    I can't get my Head around whether I need to increase or decrease! I want to make the Margin less / smaller so wouldn't that mean I'm decreasing...?!?

    If I managed to decrease the Top and Bottom Margins, instead of the stupid 2 inches approx. that they're both at, and stubbornly won't move from, - that would give me a chunk more space within the Page to write.

    Like what exactly is -0.05 or - 0.5... 'Cos half an inch sounds exactly what I would want on the Top and Bottom Margins not the bigger 2-inches that they're both at now.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,475 ✭✭✭davetherave

    If you have the side-ruler visible you can hover over the divide between the white and the grey to get a double ended arrow, click and then drag that upwards to decrease the top margin.

    You can then do the same for the bottom margin, dragging it downwards to reduce it's size.

    Or, if you want it to be an exact size, go to the Layout tab along the top, then click on margins, then custom margins. You can change the top and bottom to whatever you require
