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problem with dirty well

  • 28-04-2021 9:42pm
    Registered Users Posts: 4,218 ✭✭✭

    hows it going? weve had issues with our well for a while now - the water pump was cutting in and out constantly and was driving up our electricity bill. we pulled the pipes up out of the well on Saturday to have a look at the foot valve and sure enough we found a couple of litte holes and a couple of cracks so we replaced the valve with a new one and that seemed to cure the problem with the pump.

    unfortunately now theres another issue - the water coming up from the well is filthy. weve always had the odd problem with dirt in the water - we fitted an inline filter that we change every so often and up till now its kept the dirt at bay. since Saturday though the dirt is overwhelming and its clogging everything - the filter, the washing machine etc.

    the question i want to ask is - is there anything we can do with it? i thought by now - 4 days later that it would settle down but if anything its getting worse. im not sure what to do to be honest. any advice would be very welcome.

    heres a pic i took 10 minutes ago of what came from the tap in the kitchen


