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Tado° - things you can do without calling support

  • 28-04-2021 12:19pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,617 ✭✭✭

    Configure your system

    One can skip waiting for Tado° Support to configure their system if they use the installer mode. You can for instance enable Extension Kit, switch between Gravity and Fully Pumpted systems etc.

    Installer mode manuals can be found here:

    Call-For-Heat - switch it on/off

    Typically when Tado° notices the room is too cold, it will fire up the boiler. This behaviour can be switched off and on manually as well. When off, the TRV will open and simply wait for the boiler to switch on, like a traditional mechanical TRV.

    I have it set for the hall, which very often will get briefly too cold from opened doors etc.

    * Open Settings
    * Tap Room&Devices
    * Tap the room you want to change the Call-For-Heat setting. Remember - click on the Arrow by the room name, not the device in the room.
    * At the bottom you'll find Section "Zone Controller".
    - change to 'not-assigned' to disable Call-For-Heat
    - select appropriate controller (extension kit or wired thermostat) to enable Call-For-Heat. If you have multiple zone controllers, make sure to pick the one that controls valves going into the room you're setting up.
