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coffee importation from Indonesia

  • 28-02-2021 5:15pm
    Registered Users Posts: 546 ✭✭✭

    hi all,
    not sure if this is more for entrepenurial forum or coffee forum, please delete if more applicable to coffee forum

    I seen before a few people asked about importing green bean from various geographical locations worldwide.
    I have an option to source Kerinci coffee fom indonesia with the aim to develope a market here in Ireland.
    I am very tenativly looking into this as a possible business:
    The product seems good and I have time availible to work on developing the idea.
    any leads or ideas where to start?
    I have a few options as to what is availible.
    from green bean to packed roasted and branded.
    I have not idea of the business model or strategy to enter the market.
    I do have some storage options and distibution options availible if i have a demand.
    any insight would be greatly appricated


  • Registered Users Posts: 59 ✭✭FionMc

    Create some packaging and branding. figure out your whole sale costs and retail price. Then take it to a buyer in Tesco and ask them if they would trial it in a few stores. If they say yes, you're quids in. Really you just need a retailer to like it as much as you do. Competitive market with good margins. And when I was in Nusa Tengara in Indo, wow the coffee was great so I hope to see your product on the shelves.
