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Eliminating turbo trainer low frequencies between terraced properties?

  • 23-02-2021 5:21pm
    Registered Users Posts: 496 ✭✭

    Neighbour has a turbo trainer and has it upstairs in their 2 storey house.

    The houses are terraced so that vibrations from the trainer travel through the floorboards and end up booming as the echo builds up.

    The low frequency actually makes me queasy... very weird effect. Think of it like a tumble dryer sound booming in your stomach. The houses are narrow, so there isn't really a way to escape the sound by going to another room.

    The trainer is apparently on a mat.. but it hasn't really improved the situation when the RPMs really build up.

    I've asked if the trainer could be put downstairs instead as the concrete floors wouldn't carry the sound but this request was ignored (nice!)... so I was curious if others have a solution to keep the vibrations down while it's upstairs that I might be able to suggest?

    I saw someone on reddit mention possibly putting the trainer on two old tyres?

