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Newcastle vs Citywest vs Saggart

  • 04-02-2021 2:44am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 49

    Currently choosing between new builds in Newcastle / Citywest / Saggart

    Are these areas safe? Especially for someone with a small kid. Since I moved back to Dublin, I have been living in Dublin, thus not aware of this area.

    Also is it well connected to city centre since I work close to St Stephen Green? I do drive, but I presume after Covid, driving to city centre will be hell again.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 18,382 ✭✭✭✭Busi_Girl08

    I can't speak on safety, but Newcastle would be surrounded by Greenogue Business Estate which would have very built up traffic at rush hour, it would be sort of like living near Ballymount if you're familiar. It's a nice little town but very low on amenities. You'd have a bit of a drive to Lucan or Celbridge to do a big shop for the week.

    That's just my opinion and the feel I got when I drove threw it a few weeks ago to eyeball a new development.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 18,297 ✭✭✭✭Idbatterim

    nurik922 wrote: »
    Currently choosing between new builds in Newcastle / Citywest / Saggart

    Are these areas safe? Especially for someone with a small kid. Since I moved back to Dublin, I have been living in Dublin, thus not aware of this area.

    Also is it well connected to city centre since I work close to St Stephen Green? I do drive, but I presume after Covid, driving to city centre will be hell again.

    newcastle has the nightlink going there. saggart has the nice village feel and luas isnt too far away... driving in, if traffic hell is back again from there would be a serious pain in my opinion. I assume luas citywest to SSG is about 40 mins...

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Luas Citywest doesn't go direct to St Stephens Green, its on the red line. You'd have to change to the green line in town.

    They've flung up so many houses and apartments in citywest now that you'd be lucky to get on a Luas anywhere further down the line. My brother lives a few stops down and works in SSG - he uses the bus. I can ask him how long the commute is.

    I live closeby too and commuted by car into town - is a nightmare of a commute in normal traffic.

    Can't speak for Newcastle or Saggart but have a work colleague who lives in Browns Barn who has similar problems with commuting into town.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,792 ✭✭✭2Mad2BeMad

    Traffic is the biggest problem from all of them.
    Depending on where you have to go work.

    N7 can be bumper to bumper once normal traffic comes back.
    If there's a crash its a total nightmare.
    It gets worse the closer you get to the m50/city.

    Most roads specially around saggart and citywest are constant traffic jams during rush hour. Doesn't help with the new junction the put in at city west shopping centre.

    Security wise in regards to citywest it depends what side your house is on. But either way your facing a **** hole that has gangs of youths roaming around. Shopping centre attracts them

    They won't hurt you but they are a nuisance and cause disruption. I know this because I live in the area.

    Newcastle seems quiet to me so I couldn't tell you about that

    Saggart as well is nice just traffic

    Your main problem would be commuting to work. As another poster highlighted, they just kept building houses and didn't think ahead about traffic problems. The bumper to bumper commute is only going to get worse as more and more people are priced out of Dublin.

    If I was to pick between the 3 I'd go Newcastle, saggart then citywest.
    In fact I wouldn't even consider citywest the houses don't look great and the area is getting worse anti social wise and traffic is just a nightmare.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 194 ✭✭scuba8

    If you work in Stephen’s Green area it is worth noting the Newcastle bus (68) goes through St Circular rd and goes down Camden St/Angier St with a stop at Whitefriar St Church across from York st.

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    2Mad2BeMad wrote: »
    Most roads specially around saggart and citywest are constant traffic jams during rush hour. Doesn't help with the new junction the put in at city west shopping centre.

    Lord I hate that junction. Why they ever replaced the roundabout that was there originally with this baffles me.

    At least with the roundabout, traffic had some chance of flowing.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5 Bonkey_Donker

    Lord I hate that junction. Why they ever replaced the roundabout that was there originally with this baffles me.

    At least with the roundabout, traffic had some chance of flowing.

    It is a nightmare, but done for pedestrians I believe as the roundabout was deemed too dangerous!!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,108 ✭✭✭SteM

    It is a nightmare, but done for pedestrians I believe as the roundabout was deemed too dangerous!!

    Yeah, especially with the school opening just down the road.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 40,291 ✭✭✭✭Gatling

    Now they have narrowed the road from saggart to citywest by adding bollards and raised area to protect the cycle lane ,
    Add another several hundred apartments and two more schools going in the same area

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,754 ✭✭✭ec18

    I live in Rathcoole and would largely agree with what's said above.

    Citywest no being honest you're buying a house in a business park. Saggart nice little village access to luas but some traffic problems at rush hour. Newcastle smaller village with an older population quieter but as someone mentioned few amenities and some traffic problems with greenogue and celbridge residents using it to get to the N7/ citywest

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 26,280 ✭✭✭✭Eric Cartman

    Citywest is becoming a ghetto really quickly, saggart is better but if those 3 id pick newcastle as its a bit smaller and has less anti social behaviour than the other 2

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 40,291 ✭✭✭✭Gatling

    ec18 wrote: »
    I live in Rathcoole and would largely agree with what's said above.

    Citywest no being honest you're buying a house in a business park. Saggart nice little village access to luas but some traffic problems at rush hour. Newcastle smaller village with an older population quieter but as someone mentioned few amenities and some traffic problems with greenogue and celbridge residents using it to get to the N7/ citywest

    And if there is traffic issues on the n7 everyone tends to come from rathcoole via saggart and citywest to avoid it , leading to more tailbacks

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 60 ✭✭v0ldeMort

    pre-covid I go to work via newcastle (from Kildare) never had any problems getting through the village or to the N7, N7 different matter of course but all your options need to go via the M7. That said, with wfh being the norm post covid it may not be too big of an issue. Newcastle is on the up I think new shops popping up I heard a supervalu is going in soon. Citywest, no, lived there until 2008 and was glad I sold up and got out, its now just an extension of Tallaght. Citywest is also merging into Saggart last time I was up there.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,785 ✭✭✭KungPao

    Becoming a ghetto. OTT in the extreme.

    Anyway, it probably would be 3rd on the list as it has no village. At the current rate of building it’ll probably merge with Saggart at some stage.

    The LUAS is a huge plus for CW if you work in CC. Buses can take an age when roads are full from this far out.

    Newcastle seems nice, but will probably expand big time in the future like CW did. Something to consider.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 60 ✭✭v0ldeMort

    KungPao wrote: »

    Newcastle seems nice, but will probably expand big time in the future like CW did. Something to consider.

    yes, but Citywest was built beside jobstown/fettercairn/kilinarden.

    No comparison, Newcastle is a village in itself, unless it merges with Lucan/Celbridge/Adamstown which will take a fair bit of building :pac:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 133 ✭✭Milena009

    v0ldeMort wrote: »
    yes, but Citywest was built beside jobstown/fettercairn/kilinarden.

    No comparison, Newcastle is a village in itself, unless it merges with Lucan/Celbridge/Adamstown which will take a fair bit of building :pac:

    Kind of to hop onto that one, if i can :confused:

    We looking at:
    Somerton estate - Lucan
    Newpark - Adamstown
    Graydon - Newcastle

    ANY pointers about either one would be welcomed :)

    absolutely confused which one to go with as not familiar with the area at all :eek:
    I work in Sandyford, for now. Him in IFSC.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,785 ✭✭✭KungPao

    v0ldeMort wrote: »
    yes, but Citywest was built beside jobstown/fettercairn/kilinarden.

    No comparison, Newcastle is a village in itself, unless it merges with Lucan/Celbridge/Adamstown which will take a fair bit of building :pac:

    Aye. The blessington road end has a nice buffer at least with De Selby, and some other private estate. But CW village, lovely houses but are on the front line so to speak.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 26,280 ✭✭✭✭Eric Cartman

    Milena009 wrote: »
    Kind of to hop onto that one, if i can :confused:

    We looking at:
    Somerton estate - Lucan
    Newpark - Adamstown
    Graydon - Newcastle

    ANY pointers about either one would be welcomed :)

    absolutely confused which one to go with as not familiar with the area at all :eek:
    I work in Sandyford, for now. Him in IFSC.

    with those two working locations , if you both drive - Newcastle. if your partner going to the IFSC is taking the bus - somerton.

    Adamstown traffic in the mornings and evenings is ball bracingly dire and the train station goes to Heuston , not Connolly.

    Newcastle is the best for N7/Sandyford access but its public transport wouldn't be a patch on Lucan for getting to the IFSC.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 60 ✭✭v0ldeMort

    There is hazelhatch train station which is a less than 10 min drive from newcastle for commuters to the IFSC.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 60 ✭✭v0ldeMort

    KungPao wrote: »
    Aye. The blessington road end has a nice buffer at least with De Selby, and some other private estate. But CW village, lovely houses but are on the front line so to speak.

    yes I lived on the Blessington road end but when they opened the road from jobstown through deselby it was a free for all for the joyriders - used to go round the deselby roundabout for hours of a saturday night :pac:

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 651 ✭✭✭Nika Bolokov

    Citywest is a total kip. Its a made up name its really Tallaght.

    Newcastle has nothing in it, its going to be a high density housing jungle within 10 years. No public transport and not even a supermarket. It might look the best now but all the housing will be new there meaning in time, social housing will make up a big proportion of that village.

    Saggart is the best of them once its well away from Citywest.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 40,291 ✭✭✭✭Gatling

    Citywest is a total kip. Its a made up name its really Tallaght.

    Saggart is the best of them once its well away from Citywest.

    Of course it's a made up name like everywhere else that used to be empty fields ,
    And with the amount of developments going on or due to start from citywest golf course , garters lane, cold water
    There will be little difference from citywest as far as rathcoole

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,785 ✭✭✭KungPao

    Citywest is a total kip. Its a made up name its really Tallaght.

    Newcastle has nothing in it, its going to be a high density housing jungle within 10 years. No public transport and not even a supermarket. It might look the best now but all the housing will be new there meaning in time, social housing will make up a big proportion of that village.

    Saggart is the best of them once its well away from Citywest.
    A kip? Why? I know the area fairly well and it seems like a benign place full of private housing estates, like most of Dublin tbh. Are you confusing it with some of the notorious neighbouring areas?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 26,280 ✭✭✭✭Eric Cartman

    KungPao wrote: »
    A kip? Why? I know the area fairly well and it seems like a benign place full of private housing estates, like most of Dublin tbh. Are you confusing it with some of the notorious neighbouring areas?

    The citywest shopping centre has seen incidents like a drug dealer ploughing a car into another dealer over a dispute, a man show up with a machine gun and theres loads of videos of young lads thumping the head off each other, the areas an absolute kip

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,785 ✭✭✭KungPao

    The citywest shopping centre has seen incidents like a drug dealer ploughing a car into another dealer over a dispute, a man show up with a machine gun and theres loads of videos of young lads thumping the head off each other, the areas an absolute kip

    If head the balls from Ballyogan go on a mad one in Sandyford, I know where the problem lies. The scum you mention are most likely from you know where, not residents of CW. The shopping centre’s not exactly a quaint retreat, but unfair to write off a place full of private housing estates because of the boys from neighbouring areas acting the bollocks.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 43,037 ✭✭✭✭SEPT 23 1989

    when bus connects starts Newcastle will finally have proper public transport

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 194 ✭✭scuba8

    SuperValu have already received planning permission to build on Main St.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,920 ✭✭✭cee_jay

    The citywest shopping centre has seen incidents like a drug dealer ploughing a car into another dealer over a dispute, a man show up with a machine gun and theres loads of videos of young lads thumping the head off each other, the areas an absolute kip

    The man with a machine gun:

    This was a rampage all over Tallaght, Clondalkin, before finally Citywest - it isn't like this is a daily occurance, and a bit of an extreme situation.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    KungPao wrote: »
    If head the balls from Ballyogan go on a mad one in Sandyford, I know where the problem lies. The scum you mention are most likely from you know where, not residents of CW. The shopping centre’s not exactly a quaint retreat, but unfair to write off a place full of private housing estates because of the boys from neighbouring areas acting the bollocks.

    What makes you so sure they're are not residents of CW?

    I have to laugh everytime anything ****ty happens in Citywest, the blame is automatically shifted onto "troublemakers coming from other areas" to preserve some kind of illusion that there is no anti-social element in CW.

    Fettercairn and Jobstown are both a good 20/30 minute walk from CW Shopping Centre, Killinarden is even further and there is Brookview, Ard Mhor, MacUilliam, DeSelby and The Belfry estates in between, yet of course the trouble makers must be coming from "notorious neighbouring areas!"

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 60 ✭✭v0ldeMort

    What makes you so sure they're are not residents of CW?

    I have to laugh everytime anything ****ty happens in Citywest, the blame is automatically shifted onto "troublemakers coming from other areas" to preserve some kind of illusion that there is no anti-social element in CW.

    Fettercairn and Jobstown are both a good 20/30 minute walk from CW Shopping Centre, Killinarden is even further and there is Brookview, Ard Mhor, MacUilliam, DeSelby and The Belfry estates in between, yet of course the trouble makers must be coming from "notorious neighbouring areas!"

    fettercairn/fortunestown road is a couple of hundred metres from citywest shopping centres! The bulldozed Lidl is a just a 2/3 min walk from citywest! Belfry estate is also Citywest btw.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 40,291 ✭✭✭✭Gatling

    v0ldeMort wrote: »
    fettercairn/fortunestown road is a couple of hundred metres from citywest shopping centres! The bulldozed Lidl is a just a 2/3 min walk from citywest! Belfry estate is also Citywest btw.

    Nothing to do with citywest as a place ,

    It's been made out to be a no go ghetto which it's absolutely not

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,792 ✭✭✭2Mad2BeMad

    Gatling wrote: »
    Nothing to do with citywest as a place ,

    It's been made out to be a no go ghetto which it's absolutely not

    Its not a no go ghetto
    But it is a **** hole
    and it will only get worse.

    But like very where, there is some nice areas. Tallaght for example has some really nice areas to live, but has a bad name because there is a few bad areas.

    Citywest has some nice areas, but get a map out and draw a circle around the shopping centre and its surrounded by bad areas.
    Hell even the new houses that are put up have had some trouble so far from social welfare tenants.

    The lidl beside citywest shopping centre literally had a 3year old and a 5 year old turn up inside it both near naked because there mother was too busy getting out of her face in her new "forever home" while the kids walked right out the front door

    and thats the fate of all the houses in there once the owners pack up a leave because of anti social nackers ruining it for everyone. Council will buy them up and put more of the same in.

    That whole city west area will go the way of fettercairn within the next 20years.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 40,291 ✭✭✭✭Gatling

    2Mad2BeMad wrote: »

    Citywest has some nice areas, but get a map out and draw a circle around the shopping centre and its surrounded by bad areas.

    One area,it's not surrounded by bad areas ,
    Citywest itself is fine ,I work and live in the area ,it's not where near as bad as it's been made to be

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    v0ldeMort wrote: »
    fettercairn/fortunestown road is a couple of hundred metres from citywest shopping centres! The bulldozed Lidl is a just a 2/3 min walk from citywest! Belfry estate is also Citywest btw.

    So? the name doesn't alter the distance. Its still a good 20/30 minute walk from CW shopping centre to Jobstown or Fettercairn, with multiple estates in between.

    As an aside, none of those convicted of looting Lidl were from either Fettercairn or Jobstown. I think a couple of them were visiting from the Northside!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 452 ✭✭Pixied

    Newcastle is getting a Super Valu on the empty site at the entrance to Graydon. Construction was meant to start last month, but covid..

    Very good primary school, low crime.
    No playing fields for children at the moment, limited facilities for kids to play.
    Not much for adults to do at night to socialise, one pub.
    Lovely welcoming GAA club. Peamount football club for the kids also.
    Great tidy towns work done.
    Santa goes through the village every Christmas, and theres a Christmas fete.
    Traffic is ok in the mornings.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 26,280 ✭✭✭✭Eric Cartman

    So? the name doesn't alter the distance. Its still a good 20/30 minute walk from CW shopping centre to Jobstown or Fettercairn, with multiple estates in between.

    As an aside, none of those convicted of looting Lidl were from either Fettercairn or Jobstown. I think a couple of them were visiting from the Northside!

    There was one lad from clonsilla and one from santry , the rest of them were tallaght locals

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,540 ✭✭✭Man Vs ManUre

    The citywest shopping centre has seen incidents like a drug dealer ploughing a car into another dealer over a dispute, a man show up with a machine gun and theres loads of videos of young lads thumping the head off each other, the areas an absolute kip

    Don’t forget, a lad was shot dead outside the driving licence office (side of Eddie rockets just down a small bit) in a gangland setup there 2 or 3 years ago.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,540 ✭✭✭Man Vs ManUre

    If you drive past Citywest shopping centre coming from Saggart, straight through the junction and on the left is the Lidl that got ransacked during storm Emma.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 40,291 ✭✭✭✭Gatling

    If you drive past Citywest shopping centre coming from Saggart, straight through the junction and on the left is the Lidl that got ransacked during storm Emma.

    Again nothing to do with citywest as a whole ,

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    There was one lad from clonsilla and one from santry , the rest of them were tallaght locals

    Yes, I know. But none of them gave addresses in Fettercairn or Jobstown, and these are the estates that are typically named in these types of threads.

    Look, I'm not trying to say that there are no troublemakers from these areas, because there obviously is. More then plenty of them. But not every lad hanging around CW Shopping Centre is from outside the area.

    What I am saying is that every area has troublemakers, and Citywest is not immune from it.

    I don't think Citywest is that bad right now. But they are throwing up houses and apartments like crazy and there are a lot of younger families in starter homes.

    Its fine for now, but thats how every council estate that turned into a ghetto started in the 80s. Thousands of houses, full of young families and not really much else. 8/10 years from now when all those youngsters grow into bored teenagers, and given the density of building, Citywest has the potential to become a **** hole.

    I truly hope it doesn't. But I do think they could do with another large Garda Station in the locality, maybe covering CW, Saggart and Rathcoole.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 311 ✭✭LastStop

    Milena009 wrote: »
    Kind of to hop onto that one, if i can :confused:

    We looking at:
    Somerton estate - Lucan
    Newpark - Adamstown
    Graydon - Newcastle

    ANY pointers about either one would be welcomed :)

    absolutely confused which one to go with as not familiar with the area at all :eek:
    I work in Sandyford, for now. Him in IFSC.

    Aren't those all sold out for the current phases and you'll be waiting over a year for next phases.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 133 ✭✭Milena009

    LastStop wrote: »
    Aren't those all sold out for the current phases and you'll be waiting over a year for next phases.

    They are sold out but the next phase for each are this year ACC to Savills / sherry Fitzgerald ☺️ðŸ 
    Graydon is due for launch in march
    Somerton and Adamstown April / May ( taking into acc current lockdown).

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 311 ✭✭LastStop

    Milena009 wrote: »
    They are sold out but the next phase for each are this year ACC to Savills / sherry Fitzgerald ☺️ðŸ 
    Graydon is due for launch in march
    Somerton and Adamstown April / May ( taking into acc current lockdown).

    Thanks. Stupid question time.... When you say will launch.... Is that just, hand over deposit and wait for about a year for your house.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 133 ✭✭Milena009

    LastStop wrote: »
    Thanks. Stupid question time.... When you say will launch.... Is that just, hand over deposit and wait for about a year for your house.

    So it depends, right.
    For example in Newcastle:
    You're scheduled for a viewing of showhouse when you pay 5k deposit but you do buy your actual house off of plans
    For example my friend bought there of of plans in August and house was ready in November for snagging

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 60 ✭✭v0ldeMort

    Milena009 wrote: »
    So it depends, right.
    For example in Newcastle:
    You're scheduled for a viewing of showhouse when you pay 5k deposit but you do buy your actual house off of plans
    For example my friend bought there of of plans in August and house was ready in November for snagging

    Is that not how most new housing estates sell their houses? My last 2 houses were bought exactly the same way.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4 Pavilion38

    This may be too late for the poster of the thread, but i would recommend Saggart as the best choice.
    It's got a decent village, with a small Dunnes, a butcher, centra, doctors, pharmacy even an insomnia. And it's close to Saggart luas.
    Using the Luas here gets you a seat in the morning and its 55 min approx to spencer dock.
    Citywest shopping centre is close but not too close, and you're are right it does attract a lot of teenagers.
    Check out estates, Drury Mills, Crosforge, even Parklands.
    Rathcoole Park is close by and there are 5 primary schools and 1 secondary school.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 275 ✭✭Galwayhurl

    Isn't Saggart the place that featured on Joe Duffy last year with people saying that burglars were breaking into houses to such an extent that some people erected barbed wire around their back gardens to stop the burglars coming in the back?

    It was a big story for a few days on liveline. Some people rang in and said that the burglars were so brazen they were burglaring in the middle of the day knowing they were seen and not giving a damn.

    Don't shoot me, I'm just recalling what I heard!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 514 ✭✭✭DubLad69

    Galwayhurl wrote: »
    Isn't Saggart the place that featured on Joe Duffy last year with people saying that burglars were breaking into houses to such an extent that some people erected barbed wire around their back gardens to stop the burglars coming in the back?

    It was a big story for a few days on liveline. Some people rang in and said that the burglars were so brazen they were burglaring in the middle of the day knowing they were seen and not giving a damn.

    Don't shoot me, I'm just recalling what I heard!

    I don't particularly like any of the areas that are listed here. But I would not let something like that out you off buying in an area. If you set up a decent alarm and CCTV package you can easily over come that. Just be sure to lock up.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 92 ✭✭wuben

    Hi thinking of buying in westpark crescent. Can anyone give any feed back on estate? Thanks
