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Applying for PV Grant

  • 02-12-2020 12:32pm
    Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators Posts: 5,258 Mod ✭✭✭✭

    Had PV installed over the summer and struggling to get grant sorted.
    Finding it hard to figure out how SEAI's grant site works.
    I created my application and after about 2 months of trying to get the PV installer to login and upload the docs, they finally did it last week.
    However when I view my application and click Documents Section, there are no docs.
    I contacted SEAI tech support who confirmed that they can't see any uploaded docs.

    Anyone else done this, and what did you need to do exactly? Were the docs your installer uploaded visible to you?


  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 19,585 Mod ✭✭✭✭slave1

    My installer has done all this a few days after install, you need to get onto your installer, you paid them big money,
    You are correct where you are looking on the website for the documents, that's where I can see everything uploaded.

    Get onto your installer, there is a time limit on your grant

  • Administrators, Computer Games Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 32,607 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Mickeroo

    Sounds like he didn't do it. The docs should be visible under the documents tab. That page can be very slow though so make sure you give it enough time to load up properly.

  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators Posts: 5,258 Mod ✭✭✭✭spacetweek

    Bump! I have now received the grant. It only took 11 months! This has been an unbelievably stressful process.

    Here's the thrilling sequence of events. The installer was a subcontractor of the PV company. Found out on install day that neither had ever done a domestic install before, only commercial which has different paperwork. This ended up causing huge problems.
    During the install, the battery was placed inside a locked cabinet. I noticed on the install day that the keys worked but the lock couldn't be turned to open the door due to a bad install inside the cabinet, but was assured this wasn't a big deal as I'd never need battery access. More on this later.

    - Installer couldn't figure out how to submit docs. No one knew who had the SEAI login. Few weeks passed and the PV company found the login.
    - For a couple of months, the installer tried to submit docs with no success. I could not figure out what was wrong. SEAI tried working with them, I got involved in the middle. PV company, installer, SEAI, and me all couldn't get it to work.
    - In the end we gave up and I emailed the docs (because they'd been sent to me too) directly in. These were accepted.
    - A couple of weeks later they were rejected on review as there was a rule that docs had to be submitted by the PV company using the portal because "we want to make the installers do the paperwork". Back to square one.
    - PV Company stops responding to calls, texts, email. Nothing happens for some weeks.
    - Finally they snap out of it and docs are uploaded. Mysteriously this happens with no issues this time. We are now 6 months into this and counting.
    - SEAI say several docs are missing including the electrician's report. I raise this with installer, several weeks pass.
    - Turns out installer company fell out with the electrician and nobody is speaking to each other anymore. Finally they get the electrician to do the paperwork, but he needed to complete a training course on how to do it and wanted to expense the installer company for the cost. More weeks pass.
    - Finally electrician docs done and uploaded. Grant is reviewed.
    - Deadline for grant is approaching. I beg them to extend, they give it two more weeks.
    - SEAI deny grant, informed me that we were supposed to apply for grant before works not after. First I'm hearing of it. Installer gave me incorrect info on this. PV Company claimed they didn't know either. SEAI said the rules were changed Dec 2019, about 8 months before the install happened.
    - I appealed, claiming no knowledge of rule change, and it was granted on appeal.
    - Few weeks later I'm told there's still missing documents, photos of the labels on the battery and on the inverter. Remember I couldn't open the battery cabinet door? Had to spend a few hours trying to unscrew the cabinet to get to a point where I could take a photo of the battery label. Best I could do was partially open the lid, stick my phone in, and take a photo at a steep angle. Sent photos to PV company to be added to docs portal. In fairness they upload them immediately this time. More weeks passed as application is reviewed again.
    - Few days ago I was informed that my grant was approved and the money would appear soon.
    - Today the money appeared.

    Feeling very burned by the whole thing and not looking forward to having a heat pump installed.

  • Posts: 133 ✭✭ [Deleted User]

    spacetweek wrote: »
    Bump! I
    Feeling very burned by the whole thing and not looking forward to having a heat pump installed.

    Congratulations.. Make sure you use a different installer

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭MAULBROOK

    Holy shxt thats a balls up. You could report them to the Seai or just move on but you will need access to that battery box.

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  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators Posts: 5,258 Mod ✭✭✭✭spacetweek

    I managed to get into it the other day finally through the side. I unscrewed the battery itself, moved it back half an inch, and was able to unlock the door.
