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Transfer photos and videos from broken laptop to new laptop

  • 17-11-2020 6:16pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 88 ✭✭

    Heading should say hard drive not broken laptop


    Can anyone help

    I want to transfer photos and videos from the hard drive to the new hard drive in my laptop.
    I have put the hard drive into a dynamode external 2.5 USB 3.0 sata hard drive enclosure and plugged into the laptop. What do l do next?



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 97 ✭✭VanHalen

    Have you opened File Explorer and clicked on This PC on the left? It should show you your C drive and D drive ( if you have one) and then a drive letter with USB beside it

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 88 ✭✭ClmAlfie

    VanHalen wrote: »
    Have you opened File Explorer and clicked on This PC on the left? It should show you your C drive and D drive ( if you have one) and then a drive letter with USB beside it

    I have clicked on This PC and it shows C, D and Data (F:
    Do l clicked on 1 of them?
    Can you explain how to do it and save, please


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 375 ✭✭Edser

    It will probably be the D or F.

    Click on each of them and you should see contents similar to your C:\ drive (current laptop)

    When you find this drive (assuming windows 10), click into the Users folder, then the folder with your Username, and then Pictures folder.

    Your pictures should be in this folder. You can then select them all, and copy and paste (or drag & drop) to a folder on your new hard drive (c:\ drive).

    Repeat above for Videos, replacing 'Pictures folder' with 'Videos folder'.

    If in doubt or unsure of above, is there anyone techie who could help?
