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[48 carrier] Solution for iPhone iMessage & FaceTime not activating

  • 16-11-2020 12:31am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3

    Hi. The 48 support is useless and the support pages they use are outdated. I contacted them regarding activation process in iMessage and they were telling me things I have already done with Apple support advisor being on the phone with them for two hours.

    So here is the working solution:
    1. Turn off iMessage and FaceTime
    2. Go to Settings > Reset > Reset network settings
    3. Turn your iPhone off and turn it back on again
    4. DO NOT CONNECT TO YOUR WIFI (use cellular for activation)
    5. Go to Cellular > Cellular Data Network
    6. In the fields for Cellular Data and Personal hotspot type in the APN box:
    7. Turn your iMessage on first, wait for it to be activated
    8. Then turn your FaceTime on

    Make sure you have an active membership (the one for 7,99 euros)
    At least 1.00 euro in credit balance.

    If you only moved to 48, you’ll top up by only 1 euro to a total balance of 1.01 euros. The activation will deduct 8 cents for each service, so a total of 16 cents will be deducted from your balance.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 245 ✭✭jdon72

    I didn't have to go through this much hassle. I just turned off iMessage and turned it back on. Also, if you use a referral code for 48, you get €8 free credit when you swap over

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9 Nextgen2020

    Hi. The 48 support is useless and the support pages they use are outdated. I contacted them regarding activation process in iMessage and they were telling me things I have already done with Apple support advisor being on the phone with them for two hours.

    So here is the working solution:
    1. Turn off iMessage and FaceTime
    2. Go to Settings > Reset > Reset network settings
    3. Turn your iPhone off and turn it back on again
    4. DO NOT CONNECT TO YOUR WIFI (use cellular for activation)
    5. Go to Cellular > Cellular Data Network
    6. In the fields for Cellular Data and Personal hotspot type in the APN box:
    7. Turn your iMessage on first, wait for it to be activated
    8. Then turn your FaceTime on

    Make sure you have an active membership (the one for 7,99 euros)
    At least 1.00 euro in credit balance.

    If you only moved to 48, you’ll top up by only 1 euro to a total balance of 1.01 euros. The activation will deduct 8 cents for each service, so a total of 16 cents will be deducted from your balance.

    Were you not able to activate iMessage prior to this?

    I’m on Three and having similar issues.

    Did you change the APN settings, or did you just have to verify they were what they should be?


  • Moderators, Regional South East Moderators Posts: 9,087 Mod ✭✭✭✭Aquos76

    Were you not able to activate iMessage prior to this?

    I’m on Three and having similar issues.

    Did you change the APN settings, or did you just have to verify they were what they should be?


    I tried everything possible all weekend to get imessage activated on three and had no luck at all.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3 JesusSandals

    Were you not able to activate iMessage prior to this?

    I’m on Three and having similar issues.

    Did you change the APN settings, or did you just have to verify they were what they should be?


    Didn’t have to activate any iMessage service with Three and I was with them since 2011. This only happened when I moved to 48 few months ago. I literally tried everything, read tens of topics on the web about it — nothing helped. Then, just few days ago I woke up and tried this sequence of steps and it worked. It could also be that on the day before I contacted 48 and DEMANDED that someone from tech support, more competent than the Indian guy somewhere in New Delhi, handle this case.

    Asked a senior advisor from Apple support about this regarding as to why iMessages use internet connection to send and receive messages and still has to be activated through SMS. To my no surprise he used an answer typical for a pleb like me that it needs to be that way, period. Little did he know that I know more about it than he does. Simple answer is: spam prevention and counter-terrorism measures.

    APN settings were missing on 48. Basically blank fields. I searched for 48 APN and there was a list of what to set exactly. I only set Cellular data and Personal hotspot and it worked. For Three this could be different though.

    I feel extremely sorry for anyone that have to deal with Three’s or 48’s chat support. And they are the same people/company that handles the chat. They are terrible, useless and slow. Good at trying to sell you > A BRAND NEW IPHONE THAT YOU CAN TAKE HIGH QUALITY PICTURES OF YOUR GLUTEN FREE BURGER FOR INSTAGRAM < but just useless for any technical queries you may have. It feels like the only thing they have access to is Google search, they can’t even amend your account.

    Best regards.
