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Creepy and unnerving event with Bluetooth

  • 04-10-2020 5:49pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 165 ✭✭

    Hi folks,

    Something very unnerving happened earlier. I was setting up a Bluetooth speaker to play medieval tunes for a gaming night and just after successfully connecting to my device it cut out and starting to produce a very strange and deep undulating sound out of which I could distinctly hear birdsong. I immediately checked my device which was paused on the medieval music page, and all the while this eerie noise was emitting from the speaker. Then I heard several very loud burping or retching sounds from the speaker, this was not white noise but definitely and distinctly human or animal sounding, but it scared the hell out of me.

    Does anyone know what this could have been? Can Bluetooth speakers tune into other people's devices or radio waves?
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