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Water pump issues

  • 20-09-2020 2:22pm
    Registered Users Posts: 1

    Hi all,
    I think my water pump might be seized and needs to be replaced but thought I'd ask the knowledable people here if there's something I could try before needing a plumber and a new pump.
    I have an above ground shallow well pump. It's a Sealand 120M with vessel. On friday morning I noticed no water in the kitchen cold tap. Went to pumphouse and pump was operating continuously but was not pumpng water. I cut the power to it. Didn't get to it until yesterday because of work etc. I found the pipe going into the pump from the well had a hole. Was obviously a weak point that weakened over time until it eventually bust so the pump was only sucking air after that happened. I replaced the section and primed the pump. When I switched it back on it tried to run for a second and then cut to a continuous low buzz/hum. I've checked the impeller as best I could. Can't get the cover off. The blades will go round when I push them but if I try to turn the impeller with a screwdriver in the centre it won't budge (not sure if it's supposed to).
    Looked at it again today, I had to reprime it again before switiching it on. Still the same.
    I'm thinking it could be seized and will need to be replaced but hoping maybe not. Would the capacitor be gone and maybe just changing that would be a solution?
    Any and all ideas welcome.
    Thanks in advance.
