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3DS Discontinued - The End of a Legacy

  • 18-09-2020 12:03pm
    Moderators, Category Moderators, Computer Games Moderators Posts: 52,637 CMod ✭✭✭✭

    So the 3DS and it's line of consoles has been officially discontinued as of yesterday. It also looks like since Persona Q2 there have been and will be no more new releases for the system (outside of japan where there will probably be the usual skeevy visual novels).

    I adored the 3DS. For me it was far and away the best console of the current generation despite it kind of straddling two generations. The Vita was great and all but it could not match the quantity and quality of exclusives the 3DS had. The PS4 and especially the XBox One struggled for interesting exclusives while the 3DS was awash with them.

    The system got off to a rocky start. Poor sales despite a good launch line up. Put Nintendo eventually managed to rescue the console and made it very successful.

    I don't feel the 3DS lived up to the DS but what could. For me the DS is the best console ever made with an insane amount of quality games in it's library. More than that so many of those games were innovative and unique and nothing other than maybe the PS1 comes close to it in that regard. The 3DS library is very strong but I feel it leans a little too heavily on JRPGs and hasn't the variety the DS had.

    Other annoyances was the kind of redundant 3D which only really worked properly in the New 3DS model, and the poor battery life.

    So pour one out for one of the best consoles ever made.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 30,032 ✭✭✭✭Zero-Cool

    Me and the missus had one and would play Prof Layton and other really cool puzzle/escape games. Savage little yoke. Made me want to look into getting the switch earlier this year until I saw the price of it.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 25 Yoshitsune

    I grew up with the 3ds library of games. Ocarina of Time, Animal Crossing:New Leaf, Pokemon Y, to name a few. The backwards compatibality of the 3ds allows the console to play DS games as well opening up a larger library of games that I could play. Good times.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 17,124 ✭✭✭✭AMKC

    I loved the DS. I had still have 3 of them. Two of the Original type and one of the new type as well as a Camecube that I still have. I also had a WiFi which I loved and wish I had never sold but times were tight and funds we're needed :( . I loved Nintendo then. Now do I think the Switch is rubbish. I have no Interest in any of the current Nintendo systems. I wish they would make a proper games system again.
