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Boiler non conformance: flue location

  • 11-09-2020 7:35pm
    Registered Users Posts: 25

    I have a Vokera Mynute 25A. When I had my house renovated the boiler was relocated. I had it serviced and something was said about the flue location but I clearly misunderstood what was said and took no action. I had it serviced again recently and received a notification of non conformance.

    I'm not sure what the second last word is but I presume it's not too important.

    "flue to close to wall, ? req"

    The flue is horizontal and about emits about 300mm away from a wall (with window) that runs parallel to the direction it emits. The property boundary is about 2m from the boiler flue.

    How much clearance to a window is required? I looked at the boiler manual but it only seems to reference I.S. 813.

    Should this be a relatively trivial/inexpensive thing for a plumber to correct?

    | Z
    | A X

    X = boiler flue
    Y = window
    Z = property boundary

    X to A 0.3 meters
    Y to A 0.6 meters
    X to Z 2 meters

