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water pump

  • 24-08-2020 4:59pm
    Registered Users Posts: 44

    In june I bought a 4 bed apt that had been empty for 6 months when we tested the water pump it did not work so we hit it with a hammer and still it did not work. So we paid someone to put in a brand new stuart turner pump 600 euro plus 200 euro labour. Now we have running water but everything is not quite right ...if you have an old toilet you will hear a horrible noise for the last few seconds of filling. Well around the tank (which is near the water pump) we hear the filling noise for 3hours every 4-7 days then it just fixes itself. We called back the water pump fitter but he said it has to happen for him to know what the problem is. We tried to record the noise but the fitter says a recording is not the same as hearing the noise.....any ideas
