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Buying an Individual Apartment in Dublin

  • 16-05-2020 3:48pm
    Registered Users Posts: 4


    I am planning to buy an apartment in Dublin. I'm married but my wife is not in Ireland and she has never visited Ireland as well as. She is planning to come and settle in Ireland with me next year. My question is, as I am planning to buy an apartment in next few months. Is it possible to purchase it Individual buyer. Can a married person purchase an individual hous when his spouse is not a resident of Ireland?


  • Registered Users Posts: 78,352 ✭✭✭✭Victor

    Yes, this is possible.

    If you have to borrow the money, you will need to provide certain documentation (pay slips, tax statements, bank statements, passport, etc.) and prove that you aren't too much of a risk financially for the bank. It may take months to get to the point where the bank agrees to lend the money. Once you have agreed to buy a property, it may then take months for the paperwork to be finished and for you to move in.

    People you might need to talk to:
    * Mortgage broker or bank.
    * Solicitor <- mandatory for property transactions.
    * A valuer (the bank may insist on their own).
    * A surveyor or engineer.

    You might look here also:

    Question: are you allowed but an apartment without your wife seeing it? ;)
