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Outstaying the 90 days due to Covid-19

  • 11-05-2020 3:44pm
    Registered Users Posts: 1,313 ✭✭✭

    A close friend has a multi entry (visitors) visa which is valid for the next 2 years. She arrived here 60 days ago thinking she could leave after 2 weeks but due to Covid she has been stranded here. One of the conditions of the multi-entry visa is that she does not stay for longer than 90 days on any given visit.

    I believe this situation is falling outside the government's 'Extension' announcement because her multi-entry visa does not need to be extended, however the conditions for that visa does (90 day rule).

    Does anyone have any links/guidance to help us if she is forced to outstay the 90 limit? We don't want to get in trouble later simply because we missed some process now. Can she stay longer than 90 days if flights are still not running?
