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Vodafone Ireland - Requesting Unlock Code

  • 11-05-2020 12:37am
    Registered Users Posts: 1,735 ✭✭✭

    Vodafone Ireland - Requesting Unlock Code

    Okay so I am currently on PAYG with Vodafone Ireland.
    I'm currently trying to work out when I can Unlock my mobile handset which I bought coming up to Christmas. I gather that a customer needs to have topped up by at least €127 in the last 12 months for your first unlock code.

    I am wondering if credits applied by Vodafone Ireland also count as "Top Ups" as they would also appear in the Top Up History of my Ready To Go account.

    I want to be able to use another network's SIM card in my mobile handset asap without paying more than is required as topping up by at least €20.00 per month indefinitely is not cost effective for me going forward.

    Does anyone know what Vodafone Ireland deems as valid?
    Are promo credits applied by Vodafone Ireland also regarded as Top Up credit when calculating minimum spend thresholds for the purpose of obtaining an "Unlock Code" or how exactly does that work in reality?
