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One4All Digital Reversal / Cancellation

  • 28-04-2020 7:49pm
    Registered Users Posts: 2,115 ✭✭✭

    Anyone know how I can cancel or reverse a Digital One4All sent to someone's Phone but I'm taking it back now. It does say on the their Website that you can recall it; - "Your gift card has been sent instantly via email and/or SMS to your chosen recipient. You can check whether they have claimed the card in your One4all account. You can also recall the card here, in case you change your mind or need to update the recipient's contact details. For more information or if you need any help, please visit our FAQs." But I don't know where to / how to on the Site.

    Or I would prefer to convert Digital to physical Gift Card if I could.
    "If I convert my Digital to Physical will it have the same design?
    No, unfortunately the images used in the message and on the card are digital-only and designed to make the gift more personal. Images and messages will not appear on physical gift cards (if the balance is transferred) or in spending apps." But again I don't know where to or how to on the Site.

    Anyone know where either of these options are doable? T.i.a.
