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COVID 19 & Remote Work

  • 04-04-2020 9:35am
    Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭

    I work in the Finance Team in the Head Office of a healthcare company. The company provides an essential service and therefore is eligible to remain open per Government Guidance

    However per Government Guidance, staff performing essential services are only permitted to travel to work where the work cannot be performed remotely. We fall into the latter category. The work done here in Head Office absolutely can be performed remotely. However, despite raising this with our employer, we have been told categorically that this facility will not be provided to us

    We have also been told that in the event of an outbreak of COVID in our offices, we will still be expected to report to our desks.

    I'm not sure how to even proceed with above. Naturally, staff are very angry with above circumstance (and many other issues not outlined above). Any advice appreciated!

