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BPS and Forestry Parcels

  • 09-03-2020 10:39am
    Registered Users Posts: 174 ✭✭

    Anyone else have the recurring problem that every few years all the forestry parcels are removed from the application form?

    I have one forestry eligible parcel and when I add this back I can only declare it as forestry 2009, 2010, etc. I have then had problems later on getting the department to change it to forestry eligible. Trying to communicate with them is worse than talking to a wall. You just get ignored and in the meantime they remove the parcel as eligible all the way back along during the years and recalculate your entitlements for 2015-2019 downwards and send you notices saying that you owe them money for each of those years. When you eventually get the parcel back to forestry eligible you still then have to get them to recalculate your entitlements again. It's a bit of a nightmare and I wouldn't plant any land again because of it.
