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Alert when reply received to post

  • 10-01-2020 11:10am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 169 ✭✭

    How can I set up message notification so that I am alerted on my iPhone when reply received to by post?


  • Employee, Boards Employee 2, Boards Employee 3 Posts: 12,597 ✭✭✭✭✭ Niamh Community Manager

    Hi countyhouse, there are two ways that you can do this.

    To receive alerts for new posts in threads that you have already posted in, go to Followed Threads and you will see all your threads listed there - on the far right column is the Notification (it might be 'None' 'Instant' 'Daily' or 'Weekly'). To change any of these tick the box in the far right column, go to the bottom of the page and select your option from the drop down menu, click 'Go'.

    To receive alerts for new posts in threads that you post in from now on, go to the Options page of Control Panel. Under Messaging & Notification go to Default Thread Subscription mode and select your preference and click on 'Save Changes' underneath.

    If you have any issues doing either of these, let us know.

This discussion has been closed.