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Can I buy a Substitute for Malibu anywhere ? Lidl had a product called Cocobay

  • 31-08-2019 12:24pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 1,616 ✭✭✭

    I'm back from my holidays in Spain . I m
    seriously missing the cheap but tasty Pina Coladas on the beach . I made one with Malibu but Malibu is like 24 euro a bottle here and I don't want to have to suffer financially to that extent again .
    Google indicates Aldi at some point sold a "so cheeky it's almost fake Malibu" at some point called Cocobay , basically White Rum with coconut flavor ..But I can't find it in the stores .
    Do they still sell this or is there anything similar with a cheaper price tag than actual Malibu ?

