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Budgie not feeding.

  • 16-08-2019 11:50am
    Registered Users Posts: 651 ✭✭✭

    I got the new Vision MO1 cage with feeders at the bottom that come with the cage. I thought maybe the 4 month old budgie isn't used to the cage and that's why it won't feed or drink. After a couple of days I noticed it wouldn't eat or drink so I bought another food container to hang on the cage up where it likes to perch.

    When I did this it fed just a little bit from the tray but not as much as it used to in the previous cage. I'm wondering is it because I'm hand feeding it the millet on a branch in between (I'm afraid of it dying from not eating and so far loves the millet treat) or is it just taking time to get used to the cage?

    Would appreciate the help.


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,761 ✭✭✭Knine

    I would suggest you hang up the millet in his cage on one of the holders & let him eat it until he settles in. Then gradually as he gets used to the cage slowly reduce the millet. He won't starve & will soon learn to use the dishes at the bottom of the cage. I took out the grill at the bottom & replaced with newspapers. Budgies need a mix of seeds & plenty of fruit & veg too. An all seed diet is bad.

    I think the Vision medium cage is a bit small for a budgie. I have the large cage & have a smaller parrotlet in it. Him & all his toys & perches just about fit. I have changed the perches to natural branches. Much better for their feet. For Water I use a Hamster Drinking bottle.

  • Registered Users Posts: 651 ✭✭✭The Jammy dodger

    This is the one I have here:

    I thought it was pretty big but unlike yourself I kept the grate in on top (it's visible) and the newspaper on the bottom. Probably not a good idea?

    I tried feeding him some parsley and apple but doesn't seem interested. Any ideas as to the best fruit and veg to feed them?

  • Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators Posts: 9,740 Mod ✭✭✭✭DBB

    Interesting point knine, that you use natural branches as perches. I used to do the same many moons ago with my childhood pet budgies! At that time, the recommendation was to use branches from fruit trees, as they are generally safe if the bird starts to chew the bark... Which mine did.
    Have you any thoughts on this, you what knows her birds?!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,761 ✭✭✭Knine

    Yes we used to use fruit tree branches too. The birds loved them. Now for convenience I use the ones from Zooplus although most Pet Shops sell them now too. Standing on the same perches all the time is bad for their feet.

    I took out the bottom grill because there is a small chance of feet getting caught in them. I just change the newspapers daily. The large Vision cage has much more space for budgies but if you let him out a lot he should be fine.

    Diet wise try sticking the apple/ fruit between the cage bars. Other foods to try are banana, pear, fresh sweetcorn on the cob, sugar snap peas etc. I also feed ours Nutriberries for small birds which you can get online. The best online shop I find is Northern Parrots. Delivery is expensive though so buy in bulk. Budgies are very social & do better in pairs. Is yours tame?

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,176 ✭✭✭✭ILoveYourVibes

    This is the one I have here:

    I thought it was pretty big but unlike yourself I kept the grate in on top (it's visible) and the newspaper on the bottom. Probably not a good idea?

    I tried feeding him some parsley and apple but doesn't seem interested. Any ideas as to the best fruit and veg to feed them?
    Its a bit small. You dont need to suddenly rush out.

    But this would be the best size. birdcagesetup.jpg

    If you keep your smaller cage your bird needs to be out with you a bit more each day.

    When you move a birds food they stop thinking its food anymore.

    Take out one of the feeders and when your bird is outside with you and introduce him to it and teach him to feed.

    Also birds won't eat or drink from dirty places if its at the bottom of the cage it might be slightly dirty. Keep it clean each day.

    Also really the size of your cage depends on how many hrs a day your bird is outside it vrs inside it. The more time they spend in it the bigger it needs to be. Obv budgies need some time out of it every day.

    Knines idea is a great one. Any non cirtus fruits etc. Take the seeds out.

    Also if you notice any changes in your bird at all take him to a vet. It can be he is ill etc.

    Our bird was not a fussy bird he was a greedy lil thing! :P

    You can use the smaller cage to transport him. Or take him out in the garden for a bit in the sun :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 651 ✭✭✭The Jammy dodger

    My bird is not yet tame. Pet shop owner said a quick guess revealed he was 4 months old. I am trying to tame it by placing my hand in the cage and letting it get used to my hand being there. Today a lot of progress was made as it allowed me to approach it with my hand full of millet. Then it began to eat from my hand and after some coaxing it stood with one foot on my hand. I think I'd call that progress.

    Have you any advice on taming?

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,176 ✭✭✭✭ILoveYourVibes

    My bird is not yet tame. Pet shop owner said a quick guess revealed he was 4 months old. I am trying to tame it by placing my hand in the cage and letting it get used to my hand being there. Today a lot of progress was made as it allowed me to approach it with my hand full of millet. Then it began to eat from my hand and after some coaxing it stood with one foot on my hand. I think I'd call that progress.

    Have you any advice on taming?
    Your budgie is tame. It couldn't survive in the wild it was bred in the wild. He is used to a cage and probably afraid to come out right?

    Your budgie is simply afraid of you. Many are its a sign they were not handled a lot from wherever you got it sadly. Its common. A lot of people don't know its not normal for their bird to be afraid of them.

    If your bird were wild he would be trying to get out of his cage. He wouldn't be happy in the cage at all.

    My dad and grandfather used to keep sparrows racing pigeons and starlings even those were tame. Its actually a wildlife crime to keep wild birds.

    Our budgie was scared of us for a while too. My dad had a lot of experience with birds though.

    The hand is good. But if that is all you are doing for ten mins a day its not enough to work.

    Move the cage to a quiet room where you spend the most time a study or something. Put a towel or something on one side of the cage the side that doesn't face you. You can play gentle music but not the TV. Then just spend a few hrs a day there. Gradually move the cage closer and closer.Then when the bird is ready start talking to him through the cage. Maybe try to feed him, from your hand in the cage.

    My dad was able to hold and flip our bird in the first week we got him but budgie (that was what we called him unique i know) wouldn't let us touch him for a while.

    M dad knows how to move his hands around birds and while holding them. You have to move slow and smooth.

    In a few weeks try this. You get a piece of food in between your middlefinger and thumb with your forefinger pointing out. The bird has to perch on your forefinger to get the food.

    Next time you put your hand in make sure there is food in it. And even if he doesn't take it from your hand leave the food there for him.

    If you understand your bird isn't wild but scared of you and his new surroundings you will have a better idea of how to help him adjust.

    Also a lot of the time scared budgies don't want to get out of their cages . He needs to get used to doing that though. So he can get out every day.

    If he grinds his beak. It usually means he feels secure. If he flaps his wings a lot he is irritated. Like if you touch his stuff. If he runs about the bottom of his cage tweeting he is either scared or pissed off usually.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,761 ✭✭✭Knine

    Have you a picture of your Budgie & I will have a guess at its age & also be able to tell you it's sex.
