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demand for oak for woodturning /furniture making

  • 08-08-2019 1:42pm
    Registered Users Posts: 88 ✭✭

    Have a good few mature oak trees on the land, including an old grove of them and a good lot on ditches between fields. Said ones on ditches are blocking sunlight into wet spots and have boughs hanging down lots so we are thinning them out. All are mature, diameters of trunks at least 30 inches. We also sell firewood on the side, doing approx 50 car trailer loads per winter so wood would be.mainly used for this. However, anyone on here any experience of selling some parts to sawmill or furniture maker / woodturner. Lots of interesting bends in the limbs and firewood is probably lowest value use. Only cutting approx 3 of these this year( 2 cut down and in lenghts at home so far) so wouldn't be looking at large volumes what might be needed for stakes etc. Any thoughts or suggestions? TIA
