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Masters versus H-Dip in Data Analytics

  • 25-06-2019 8:38pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 52 ✭✭

    Im looking to do a course in Data analytics over the next two years.

    I am based in Cork and in full time employment so I was looking at the H-Dip in CIT and it looks pretty good.

    Naturally a masters would look better on the CV but neither CIT or UCC offer the masters part time over 2 years.

    So what are the best online masters, I was looking at the one in IT Blanchardstown but the application date closed 3 weeks ago (very early)

    The part time option in UCD is over 3 years but I will ring them tomorrow to see if it can be condensed

    The only other Irish one i can find for online is NUIG and I only think its online as I rang today and they were doing training and couldn't answer the phone in the department.

    NCI is not an option as they are not running the masters. Its now only as Postgrad Diploma via Springboard

    Any advice welcome


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,342 ✭✭✭Nelbert

    Timbo1987 wrote: »
    Im looking to do a course in Data analytics over the next two years.

    I am based in Cork and in full time employment so I was looking at the H-Dip in CIT and it looks pretty good.

    Naturally a masters would look better on the CV but neither CIT or UCC offer the masters part time over 2 years.

    So what are the best online masters, I was looking at the one in IT Blanchardstown but the application date closed 3 weeks ago (very early)

    The part time option in UCD is over 3 years but I will ring them tomorrow to see if it can be condensed

    The only other Irish one i can find for online is NUIG and I only think its online as I rang today and they were doing training and couldn't answer the phone in the department.

    NCI is not an option as they are not running the masters. Its now only as Postgrad Diploma via Springboard

    Any advice welcome

    NCI do run a masters. Top up after you complete post grad diploma. Currently doing it.

    So a potentially heavily discounted avenue to masters given you’ll only pay 10% of diploma.

    Location surely a major issue though?

    They do the Hdip online via springboard but I think the postgrad is in person.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 52 ✭✭Timbo1987

    Nelbert wrote: »

    They do the Hdip online via springboard but I think the postgrad is in person.

    The Post-dip is on campus only so not an option Im afraid.

    Annoying as I had my mind made up to do it.

    How did you find the post-dip out of interest?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,342 ✭✭✭Nelbert

    Timbo1987 wrote: »
    The Post-dip is on campus only so not an option Im afraid.

    Annoying as I had my mind made up to do it.

    How did you find the post-dip out of interest?

    Enjoyed it enough to follow on and do the masters top up!

    My critiques have largely been addressed with the revision of the modules which is now more focused on the stats and data mining portions!

    Doing it is the best decision I’ve made career wise (frustration of dealing with a small college admin team aside).
    Very clear on where I want to go and what I want to do career wise now.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,924 ✭✭✭✭Thelonious Monk

    Sorry to drag this old thread up but has anyone done the H-Dip on Springboard in NCI? I am thinking of doing it this year.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 17 KkomradeWarrior

    It's great that you're considering the H-Dip on Springboard at NCI! I haven't done it myself, but I've heard good things about the program. Maybe someone here has more recent insights? Best of luck with your decision! AppMetrica really impressed me with its user-friendly interface. As someone not very tech-savvy, navigating the system was surprisingly easy. It excels in several key areas: product analytics, A/B testing, revenue analytics, and audience analytics. These features make it a robust tool for anyone looking to understand user behavior and optimize performance.

    Post edited by KkomradeWarrior on

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 13,056 ✭✭✭✭Calahonda52

    Depending on your background and what you want to do, take a close look at exactly what in in each module

    I started the NCI one before realising that one of the semester one modules was down in the weeds programming with Python.

    The stats was fine but the Python defeated me, first fail since 1968! so I abandoned it.

    Was not helped by full remote classes, which only worked well on Windows, I am a mAC user so had to invest in a windows machine and most of the class were located primarily in India so no chance to meet for work sessions on the assignments

    Good luck with your final selection

    “I can’t pay my staff or mortgage with instagram likes”.
