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jf cmt 245 mower problem

  • 12-06-2019 11:12am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9

    the slip clutch keeps coming of the shaft on the gearbox ,could it go without it as is a belt driven machine, is there kits available for rebuild,new balls ,locking mechanism and spring for holding it on, the drive shaft is cut to proper length, also how much ground pressure is required for keeping a good clean cut and not to dig the ground.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 936 ✭✭✭st1979

    That was the bane of my life that mower. When we had an 80hp tractor it would put the tractor on its knees and block in long grass very often. Then got 120hp and drive it much better and then the clutch started to slip. Had enough of mower and was worth only about 500 at the time as no dealer would take it in so I welded up the clutch. That was thestart of the end of the gearbox.
    So if you want to keep it reduce power going in and new clutch which I am sure can be got easy enough as it's probably fairly common on other machines

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,888 ✭✭✭roosterman71

    Ran one of these and it totally wrecked my tits. Our clutch went so a normal PTO connection was put in instead. That worked, but then the shaft to it from the mounting in the middle was solid so it could put pressure on the gearbox. Replaced that solid shaft with a normal slidey setup.

    Heavy meadows = buying boxes of valium. Constantly getting itself chocked up. Ended up removing the conditioner. Then that little spinner between the outside drums would wrap grass around itself for sport.

    Traded it in for a mounted disc machine 2 years ago. Still have parts of one we had for spare at home. No clutch though

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9 colm.egan90

    i had it cutting this year already and found that it cut well when i replaced the clutch with solid pto set up, its just the clutch kept sliding out over the pto shaft and disengaging the drive, we do not cut much silage and our land is full of stone,rock so disc mower will not do , but i found it does not follow the ground great bumps and hollows

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 936 ✭✭✭st1979

    It should cut clean and close to ground. Was never a problem that way. Height I think was set on the bolt at the ram. Not sure about tension of springs. When you do hit something and bend the front drum. Just release the bolts holding the shaft at top of drum. Spin shaft 180 degrees and it come right itself

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 3,401 Mod ✭✭✭✭K.G.

    God i remember give most of a night cutting silage with one of those blocking in a particularly heavy cut of grassfound i had to cut it all one way.another time belt snapped when i was putting it going in the first field.the funny thing about it was it cut tighter the.heavier the grass.found it good at premowing as it tended to lift out of light grass and skin heavy grass

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9 colm.egan90

    hopefully will go ok thanks for the info

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1 Tyrone pat

    Ran one of these and it totally wrecked my tits. Our clutch went so a normal PTO connection was put in instead. That worked, but then the shaft to it from the mounting in the middle was solid so it could put pressure on the gearbox. Replaced that solid shaft with a normal slidey setup.

    Heavy meadows = buying boxes of valium. Constantly getting itself chocked up. Ended up removing the conditioner. Then that little spinner between the outside drums would wrap grass around itself for sport.

    Traded it in for a mounted disc machine 2 years ago. Still have parts of one we had for spare at home. No clutch though

    Am looking for disc for above mower. Does anyone know where there would be a scrapped mower .
