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Contracting to the US of A

  • 28-05-2019 7:49pm
    Registered Users Posts: 627 ✭✭✭


    I've been offered a contract in the US and have never contracted before. I'm currently a PAYE employee.

    I've a couple of questions I hope you kind folk could help me find answers to:
    Can they contract me directly as a sole trader i.e pay me directly each month and I can find an accountant to help me tie up tax etc
    Does a contract with them really hold any weight or security? It's in Texas
    Would you recommend I use an Umbrella company/accountant?

    I should add that they want to hire me as a full time employee after the year, my partner is an American but we're going through the visa process ourselves and not looking to H1B.

    Thanks for reading.
