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Barca v Pool in play enhanced odds

  • 02-05-2019 12:40pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,448 ✭✭✭

    Did anybody else do in play (half time) bet on Salah or Messi on Ladbrokes last night?

    I was on Ladbrokes app at half time last night. They were giving enhanced odds on Salah to score 2nd goal of game @ 12/1 and Messi @ 7/1. I put €5 on Messi at 7/1 but some glitch n bet receipt showed Salah at 7/1. So wrong name right price. I went straight on to live chat but was 9 in queue, so didn't bother as I was watching game on my phone.

    I screenshot offers as I knew something went wrong, some sort of glitch.

    Got paid €40.

    This morning €40 removed.

    Was on Ladbrokes live chat. Explained to advisor what happened and after getting same parrot response for fifteen mins I got no joy only that my bet could be voided.

    I refused, I know I'm right. I would prefer to let them keep the fiver as a matter of principal.

    Just wondering if anyone else had similar experience??


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,448 ✭✭✭jobeenfitz

    I contacted Ladbrokes yesterday by phone . I explained my case. The operator doubted this was a computer glitch but maybe my mistake.

    Anyway I convinced him even if I were wrong there was still a mixup or glitch because I got wrong price on Salah and I had screenshot bet receipt and online offer within seconds of seeing wrong bet receipt.

    So today without notification Ladbrokes credited my account by €18 . Why this amount is a mystery to me, doesn't make much sense.

    When I check banking on LB it states resettlement €18.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,448 ✭✭✭jobeenfitz

    Got paid €40 after all. LB asked me to send screenshot of enhanced price of 7/1 Messi, which I did.
