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Laya Healthcare won't accept GB IBAN (Revolut)

  • 12-03-2019 5:37pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 437 ✭✭

    I've just had the most frustrating hour with Laya HealthCare.
    Their website won't allow me to update Direct Debit details, as it won't accept any IBAN that doesn't begin with IE. They won't accept Visa Debit card for regular monthly DD payment either

    So I got onto WebChat. Was told:

    "To set up a direct debit, we need the BIC & IBAN for an irish current account."

    "If you wish to pay by DD our system will not be able to collect from a foreign account."

    And the best one:

    "I have been advised that Sepa only covers the Eurozone. The UK are not in the Eurozone"

    Now, have I got this sooo wrong? How could Virgin Media accept my new IBAN with no issues, but I get this cock and bull?

    Am I right in saying they MUST accept my GB IBAN, as long as I sign a DD mandate?

    If not, where do I go from here? The idea of keeping a Pillar Bank account, just for paying one utility is ridiculous.

    Thanks for any guidance anyone can provide here!!!


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 437 ✭✭WealthyB

    RESOLVED - Said I'd post this update in case anyone else finds themselves in the same boat.

    Laya emailed me this morning:
    "I have spoken with our finance department about your query and they have confirmed that we are now able to collect direct debits from UK bank accounts. We are able to collect from all EU countries under the new SEPA agreement."

    I had to argue this to the death with them however. Next time I won't bother arguing with the front line staff (who are obviously not trained up on this, and then being fed bad information, such as the agent who told me SEPA only works in the Eurozone) and instead just have them escalate to Finance or Compliance.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,157 ✭✭✭homer911

    Conversely, many UK businesses do not support SEPA - the Brits like to do things their own way
