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Potential to grow on existing fence / wire

  • 26-02-2019 2:22pm
    Registered Users Posts: 521 ✭✭✭

    i have post and 4 rail fencing on roadside bordering my front lawn (approx 75 metres length, 4 feet high ish).
    I have horse wire on my side of it to ensure dogs stay where dogs should stay.
    I keep the roadside painted annually to keep it looking decent.

    Is there a solution to use it to grow a suitable creeper on my side using horse wire?
    Would I ruin the fence which is in good nick in medium/long term and therfore end this notion immediately?
    Is there such an ivy / creeper suitable and would not invade my lawn and poison dogs (prone to tasting whatever they want)?

    My gardening know how is limited to daffodils and grass.
