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Cheque reissue?

  • 15-02-2019 7:15pm
    Registered Users Posts: 1


    I just found my Irish Water refund cheque and tried to lodge it in the bank but I was told it was out of date (never had a cheque before, didn't realise they went out of date!!). They said to ask if I can get it reissued, does anyone know how to do this? Its out of date since 2017!



  • Company Representative Posts: 485 Verified rep Irish Water: Allanah

    Hi kakimc13,

    Thanks for your query.

    We can certainly look into this matter for you. Would you mind sending the below information via PM and we can check this:

    - Name;
    - Address;
    - WPRN; and
    - Account number.

    Thanks in advance,
