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Launch of Ireland's High Resolution Ensemble-based Forecasting

  • 18-10-2018 12:06pm
    Company Representative Posts: 55 Verified rep

    The Met Éireann EPS, called IREPS – Irish Regional Ensemble Prediction System, came into operational use at midday on Monday October 15th 2018 and is the first EPS system run operationally by Met Éireann. The ensemble had been running pre-operationally for several months. The European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF) has been running coarser grid ensemble prediction systems for the past few decades. However, the advantage of IREPS is its very high resolution.
    Article here:


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 24,647 ✭✭✭✭

    Looks good, congratulations. :)

    Any chance you can make some of the operational charts and the ensembles available on your website for the four run times daily?

    You'd get good feedback here ;)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,275 ✭✭✭sdanseo

    Looks fantastic, brilliant that Ireland has our own model.
    Hadn't heard this before so clearly lots of hard work going on behind the scenes!

    Please make the graphical output public. At the very least, some basic parameters like wind, precip, temp, pressure. It's a government funded resource and should be accessible by all really.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,257 ✭✭✭Gaoth Laidir

    MetEireann wrote: »
    The Met Éireann EPS, called IREPS – Irish Regional Ensemble Prediction System, came into operational use at midday on Monday October 15th 2018 and is the first EPS system run operationally by Met Éireann. The ensemble had been running pre-operationally for several months. The European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF) has been running coarser grid ensemble prediction systems for the past few decades. However, the advantage of IREPS is its very high resolution.
    Article here:

    It's nice and all that you have that in Glasnevin and no doubt it will greatly improve your forecast skill. However, can't you release it for public viewing, as well as more model and radar output? I would even suggest having it behind some sort of paywall as I'm sure most of us here wouldn't mind paying a few quid annual subscription fee.. You have the free pilot briefing portal, which imposes strict copyright guidelines on reproduction of its content. The same could be done for this, and you might even generate some revenue.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,220 ✭✭✭PukkaStukka

    It's nice and all that you have that in Glasnevin and no doubt it will greatly improve your forecast skill. However, can't you release it for public viewing, as well as more model and radar output? I would even suggest having it behind some sort of paywall as I'm sure most of us here wouldn't mind paying a few quid annual subscription fee.. You have the free pilot briefing portal, which imposes strict copyright guidelines on reproduction of its content. The same could be done for this, and you might even generate some revenue.

    I'd agree with that, particularly as it would help in some way with the recovery of cost in commissioning this system. That said, some obviously would moan about this because Met E are a publicly funded body etc etc. There's a big difference between knowing the cost of something and appreciating its value :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 281 ✭✭Mount Vesuvius

    Great stuff, I look forward to the more accurate snow accumulations this winter.:)

    Yeah be nice to have the option of viewing these charts.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,275 ✭✭✭sdanseo

    It's nice and all that you have that in Glasnevin and no doubt it will greatly improve your forecast skill. However, can't you release it for public viewing, as well as more model and radar output? I would even suggest having it behind some sort of paywall as I'm sure most of us here wouldn't mind paying a few quid annual subscription fee.. You have the free pilot briefing portal, which imposes strict copyright guidelines on reproduction of its content. The same could be done for this, and you might even generate some revenue.

    I'd pay a small but consistent fee for access to it for sure. Worried that we wouldn't be able to share screenshots here although I'd take access over not being able to do that.
