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Curbing my addiction

  • 17-07-2018 9:36am
    Registered Users Posts: 1,206 ✭✭✭

    Hi all,

    I am wondering can anyone suggest any decent options for me regarding this issue.

    Basically my smartphone has sort of become the bane of my life to some degree. I am just too addicted to it and any spare moment I have I find myself on it. To be honest I can probably speak for most people these days but its myself Im concerned about for now.

    I have an iphone but have no problem changing if it serves the purpose id like.

    Is it possible for me to completely and utterly restrict access to apps on my phone to make it pretty much unusable except for spotify, whatsapp and google maps?

    I am also going to leave all whatsapp groups.

    I cant have browser/web access, facebook or mail access either, they are the killers for me mainly, to be honest whatsapp is too hence Im gonna leave the groups.

    I am expecting the first responses will be to just get a Nokia, I am tempted but I am really inconveniencing other people by not having whatsapp etc, and also I do really like Spotify and its not something I am "addicted" to to be honest. Enjoying music is just enjoying music.

    EDIT, you know the more I think about I think I might just stop coming up with excuses and get rid of the phone and get a little nokia or something. Do they still make mp3 players?

