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Iliotibial Band Syndrome/ITBS/Knee Problems/Physiotherapy

  • 26-06-2018 12:49pm
    Registered Users Posts: 6

    I've had problems with itbs the last 8 years or so but haven't had any major problems the last 2/3 years, usually when it happens my knee locks leaving my leg in a certain position most of the time from kicking a ball with the outside of my foot or having my leg a certain way while sitting. The other day I had my leg stretched out with my foot resting on a table when a mate fell directly on my kneecap and basically put all his weight on my cap and dragged it off to the side with him when he fell, my kneecap was way off to the left(it happened my left leg) but luckily when I grabbed my legged my knee cap lifted up and to the right then almost clicked back into place like a toy. I've heard clicks from my knees before and slight movement of the kneecap but nothing this severe, this time it was fully out of place and was one of the worst pains I've ever had to deal with, I was pure white and felt close to throwing up after it. Obviously I need to strengthen my leg muscles even more but just wondering if there's any physios out there is this an extreme case of iliotibial band syndrome because my kneecap has never moved from it like this before or is it another knee problem in its own? All answers appreciated,

