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Removing oil based paint from floors

  • 10-04-2018 6:07pm
    Registered Users Posts: 3,818 ✭✭✭

    I got two rooms in my house painted recently, by a painter who was recommended by a friend. I expected a small few paint spatters on the floors, but only realised the other day that there’s quite a lot, in places (insert cross face here!).

    In one room, the paint is water based, so I can get it off easily enough, with a bit of time, patience and elbow grease, but in the other room, the paint was oil based, and I can’t budge it! Is there anything I can get? I bought this stuff today in woodies called “oops”, painters choice, but I only realise now it’s for latex based paint (which is not the same as oil based??).
    The floors are dark wood laminate. Not very pricey, but very new, and the paint spots are very obvious on the dark colour of the wood!
    I have a few spare floorboards, so I can test any products on those before I use it on the actual floor.
