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Trying to track down immunisation records

  • 08-04-2018 3:09pm
    Registered Users Posts: 407 ✭✭


    I'm having serious hassle trying to track down my immunisation records from the hse. I have so far only managed to retrieve the record of my MMR booster vaccine that I received in primary school.

    I have just been passed from pillar to post by various hse staff, and when I was eventually given the email address for someone who I was told would be able to help me, they replied saying they have no records on file for me, and offered no suggestions as to where I might try next. I have checked with my local health clinic where the baby nurse who looked after me as an infant was based, and with my gp who had nothing for me.

    I was born in Dublin in 1988 and urgently need the records as part of a us visa application.

    Has anyone here had any similar hassle trying to obtain their records, or would anyone be able to offer a suggestion of where I might try next?

