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Re-roofing costs

  • 18-03-2018 10:40am
    Registered Users Posts: 23

    Hi all,

    The roof on our mid-terraced Victorian house will be in need of re-tiling, felting and insulating in the next few years. We had insulated between the joists but would like the roof itself to be more airtight and weatherproofed and original slates replaced. We have been told that the actual timbers are in a good state, so I don't think these need replacing. The house footprint is approx 5m x 8m, if that helps to estimate roof size.

    Can anyone provide a rough guide to costs of this? E.g. is there a general price per square foot? We would obviously get a roofing company out to survey and quote, but I was just hoping to get a rough idea before contacting anyone. If it's waaaaay out of our reach for a few years, I don't want to waste anyone's time coming out to survey the roof.

    Thanks in advance to anyone taking the time to read this or reply! 😊
