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Expendables 4 Begins Shooting This Summer

  • 07-03-2018 1:04am
    Registered Users Posts: 1,283 ✭✭✭
    If all goes well, it looks like The Expendables 4 will begin filming this summer. That may be a big if, considering the hurdles this movie has had to overcome in order to even be happening at all, but as of right now, that seems to be the plan. The news comes from franchise star Randy Couture, who reveals that Expendables 4 is currently scheduled to begin filming in August.
    Randy Couture has been part of The Expendables franchise from the very beginning and it looks like he's getting back together with Sylvester Stallone and the gang for the upcoming fourth installment. Stallone ran into disagreements with producer Avi Lerner about the direction of Expendables 4 last year, which led to the project being delayed. However, it appears to be back on track and Couture is excited about the prospect. Here's what he had to say about it in a recent interview.

    "I'm excited about Expendables 4. Right now, we're scheduled to start filming in August and hopefully we're able to stay on schedule. It sounds like we're coming back to Bulgaria, which is exciting. I've spent a lot of time in Sofia and Varna and I'm excited to come back. I love the people (there), I love the food and I'm excited to come back."
