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First car insurance, average prices? Best deals?

  • 06-03-2018 4:48pm
    Registered Users Posts: 4

    Hello Everyone,

    I am new to Ireland, I have been here only for a couple of months now. I work in the IT / Software Engineering industry.

    I am planning to get a full Irish license, and to get a small used car for family purposes (Groceries, my wife dropping kids at school .. etc).

    I have read a lot about insurance quotes in Ireland and how expensive and hard it is to get a quote for a new driver (even though i have been driving back home for 7 years and have an international driving license). Some of the numbers actually scared me !!

    On average, how much would it cost me for 1st year insurance? I am planning to get a used car in the range of 2500 euros. Any help or advice is greatly appreciated.

    Thank you in advance.
