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Lady Bird - Movie

  • 25-02-2018 8:23pm
    Registered Users Posts: 6,840 ✭✭✭

    Went to see this today... WTF???? And I cannot empathize that enough!!!! It has gotten soooo much hype and attention - and now I ask, why???? Is it because I live in Ireland and Saoirse is Irish and a renown actress who has been nominated for an oscar and so ie Hype here at home????
    I may as well have gone to the cinema to see an episode of my So Called Life; which I loved as a young adult but it was a tv show and not a major movie in the run up to the Oscars!
    I kept thinking - am I missing something????
    So it goes through the journey of a teenage girl and her relationship with her mother - and????? Saoirse herself was grand, but Oscar worthy?

    The acting was grand as were the characters; especially he Mum, Danny and Julie.

    I cannot articulate how deflated I felt when it was over... I was utterly dumbfounded.
    I think that this is because there have been some fantastic movies out this year - which is unusual nowadays for mainstream cinema; noteworthy movies such as 3 Billboards, Phantom Thread, The Shape of Water, I Tonya.


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