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Cost to repair roof of ruin

  • 02-02-2018 12:31pm
    Registered Users Posts: 1

    Hello all. I am a first time poster.

    Let me start by saying I know my question will be very difficult to answer due to the general lack of crucial information I am able to supply. A appreciate a very rough estimate is all that anyone will be able to supply and as such that is all that I am after.

    I am looking to purchase a 1700 sq. ft derelict property in Co. Lough which is probably better described as a ruin. This is a very long term investment and all I am looking to do in the short term is water proof the house by repairing or replacing the roof and bordering up any lower entrances. Unfortunately I don't really know anything about the property and literally only have the pictures to go on. As such it is hard to discern the extent of the damage and whether the roof can be patched or will need to be fully replaced i.e. the rafters and ridge beam removed. Would anyone here going by the pictures alone be able to speculate the rough cost of repairing the roof so that the property is effectively water tight. Please see the images below:

    edit: I am having trouble posting my images or even posting urls to them so please copy and paste from below

    I am about to arrange for the property to be professionally surveyed, but this will be more of a visual inspection than an in depth report. Perhaps this is something the surveyor will be able to advise me on.

    I understand my question is naive but perhaps I can gain some value from the responses. Thanks for any help you can provide.

