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Job sharing

  • 29-01-2018 12:14am
    Registered Users Posts: 284 ✭✭

    I am currently on a career break and have to either reapply before 1st feb or job sharing for next yr. My question is it worth it financially 11 hrs post priamry might be. I have been teaching over 12 yrs. Just wondering what the take home pay is. Can you sub in your school... if you have time. I doing my phd in education so I financially need to go back to work. How would timetable work . I have core subject english and irish. Have taught resource in past. Just wondering how I broach it with principal. So I'm not in everyday as due to personal reasons cannot live by school. Would have 2 hr commute everyday.
    Any help cheers


  • Registered Users Posts: 15,382 ✭✭✭✭rainbowtrout

    Depends on your situation and if you have any other source of income and if you allocate tax credits to it, but anecdotally from teachers I work with who go on job share, they end up with about 60% of their net pay on job share as they are largely taken out of the tax band.

    There are no set rules as to how job share is run, some schools will block you for three days, some for 5 mornings a week etc. Given that you have two core subjects, I can't honestly see how a principal would block you for three days. You will have to have a conversation with them to see what they can give you for job share.

    Can you afford the commute five days a week time wise and financially even if you are on half hours and less pay, if they timetable you for say mornings only?

    To be honest you're leaving it a bit late to organise given that the closing date is Thursday and you have yet to speak to the principal. It might not be just a quick yes or no, if they decide to pull you from english and irish and give you 11 hours resource on a timetable to suit you they have to consider who will be teaching that next year. Or they might say no problem we will give you job share, and you come back in september to it spread out over five days.
