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NWS assessment fail from forester

  • 04-12-2017 7:29pm
    Registered Users Posts: 58 ✭✭

    I purchased some land (8 hectares) in 2016 because we sold an outfarm in 2006 and this was literally the other side of the booreen to my ownl to make my holding more valuable. I contacted a forester to see if any of 6 hectares unimproved land would suit the native woodland scheme. He walked it with me today; and he mentioned that a lot of land that seems suitable in east Galway/Roscommon limetsone bedrock area ends up being unviable. The land is fertile with total soil cover - but he found it was at best six inches in a lot of test points. He deemed about 1 hectare of the six viable for the growth rates needed for the scheme. There is a 3 hectare hazel woodland directly adjoining a 3 hectare section. Has anyone had a similar experience - I found him brutally honest and ruthless about viability which was good.
