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Environmental health student 2 min thesis survey :)

  • 25-11-2017 9:11pm
    Registered Users Posts: 23

    Hi Guys,

    I'm a 4th year environmental health student carrying out my thesis this year.
    I'm carrying out a survey for Vape users and new growing technologies.
    I uploaded it on survey monkey and hoping if any of you Vape and have a minute could you possibly fill it out. its in two parts 10 questions each. just trying to gather as much information about new technology, vape events within Ireland, average costs people are spending and looking into possible health effects and how people feel after vaping for sufficient periods of time. if anyone has a moment to fill it out id greatly appreciated it.
    Here is the links it only takes max 1-2 mins.

    part 1 :
    Part 2:

    Thanks again guys:)
