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Outlast 2 Xbox One will not start?

  • 28-10-2017 10:56am
    Registered Users Posts: 391 ✭✭

    Hello all,

    I hope anybody can help me. I googled my issue and NOTHING comes up. So nobody in the whole world seems to have the same issue I have? I find this hard to believe...

    I purchased a digital copy from the official store during a sale of Outlast 2.

    I haven't played it in a while and now when I start it, it launches into the main menu but I am unable to click the continue button or move to any other option. The only thing I can press is Y to change user... even when user is changed, no new game can be started...

    I tried uninstalling the game and reinstalling but the issue stays the same.

    Can anybody provide information or advise on what to do?

    Many thanks!
