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Fiat f115 lift control

  • 27-08-2017 8:48pm
    Registered Users Posts: 3

    Hi all, have a problem with the lift on our f115. Have the service manual and have studied it a bit but hoping someone else has had experience of this problem and can point us in the right direction. Thankfully the fiats seem to be pretty easy to work on!

    It's a manual lift version.

    first problem: the lever only goes half way up. Some sort of mechanical restriction prevemting it going any further.

    Second problem: with the lever at abut 1/3 from the bottom, go half an inch up and the lift goes up to the top unless you return to the half inch below to stop it moving and it will hold its position. Same craic going half inch below, drops until you pull it back up to 1/3 from the bottom.

    It's useable but would like to have it right. Have had the control valve off at the back. Looks ok but haven't disassembled it all yet. Haven't had the top cover off yet. Hoping I'll get away without it but fear it may have to come out!!

    Anyone out there seen this before????
