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Cost of architect

  • 22-08-2017 11:22pm
    Registered Users Posts: 630 ✭✭✭

    Hiya, we have an old 1950's cottage at home that we intend to do up in a few years as our family home. Its fairly small so we wud like to extend on bedrooms, utility room etc.
    I wud love to get an architect on board but my husband thinks they wud be very expensive and an engineer wud do just a good a job at a fraction of the cost.
    He is self employed and I work part time and money is tight.
    However I feel this cost wud be well worth it in the long run.
    Could people give me an estimate of how much they cost roughly to draw up plans. We live by the coast and wud like to have a nice view etc. I feel an architect wud design a house way better than an engineer, am I right?
    I love room to improve and wud love to see what an architect wud come up with for our house.
