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Painting a floor/and where to get floor stencils

  • 12-08-2017 12:22am
    Registered Users Posts: 1,085 ✭✭✭

    Ok I have about 25 square ceramic tiles in the hall about 30x30cm alternate cream and orange and I hate them. Trying to save money so was going to have a go at painting them white (I don't get a lot of foot fall and it's a small hall) Just wondering is it ok to do this like how long will it last I see a few on the market Rustins, Rustoleum and Roseal floor paints don't know which is the best.

    After that is hopefully painted white I want to stencil the tiles but looked everywhere online Easons, Art and Hobby, IKEA Woodies, Homebase cant see a floor stencil anyone know where I can get them?

