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The boom is back, baby!

  • 10-08-2017 12:53pm
    Registered Users Posts: 2,661 ✭✭✭

    Remember the Crying Chair of yore? You may have heard of it whispered in legend. In the dark recesses, when mothers want to scare children into behavcing, they tell of the excesses of the nation during the last boom. "We all partied" they chatter, the chislers wide eyed and cowering.

    Fret not, my friends, Let me present to you: The Crying Cabin.

    Yes, for 1300 quid a month you can live in the Crying Cabin, a two room (1 bedroom, 1 bathroom) non-permanent structure in a car park.

    After you have furnished this exquisite des res, close to all local amenities, you can contemplate on a system that has created the conditions where you have to live in this.

    What a world.


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