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Travel poo kit

  • 23-07-2017 11:30am
    Posts: 0

    Hi guys,
    I'm going to warn right now, if you're not a sufferer then this gets gross.

    So, issue "underneath", poos are painful. I went to the doctor, on a waiting list to sort it, in the meantime I have a few months of pain management, underwear pads, diet scheduling and poo scheduling to do. So far, so awful, but I can suck it up and get on with it. I plan my poos so I do them at home, with shower, creams & meds to hand as needed.

    Cut to yesterday, I find myself out in public, far from home, and needing to go. I go, it's painful, I wipe as best I can, I leave. Get on with my day, get home......
    ......not going to describe what I saw when I got home. The pad didn't get it. I had needed to do more to cleanse during the last movement.

    I don't want to get caught short like that again. I want to put together a kit that I carry to the bathroom if needs be. I just have no idea what that kit should consist of apart from replacement pads & meds. Can anyone here who's suffered similar poo problems fill me in on what you do to manage in public, away from home? How do you clean up when you're away from the shower & wiping is discouraged by the doctor?
